Profile Pictureskipwilliams

UpTime - Mean Time Between Failure Made Easy

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UpTime is a simple to use, yet powerful way to track and then predict Machine Failure.

UpTime will color code each system indicating how close to failure the system is getting. You will also see a “Confidence” level. This confidence will go up as more failures for that system are logged.

This allows you to have parts on hand just before a failure, and schedule maintenance.

Minimal input each time a failure occurs; Simply use the pulldown menu to select the system or subsystem. Then log the time of failure and the time repair is complete and back on line.

Use the Dashboard tab to get a closer look at any system or subsystem. Use the pulldown to select the system or subsystem that you want to analyze.

The DashBoard will tell you when the last repair was, average up time, mean time between failures, average time to repair, when the next failure should occur and then charts for Up Time, Time to Repair, and Time Between Failures.

Simple to use yet powerful enough to help avoid long down times for critical equipment!

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UpTime - Mean Time Between Failure Made Easy

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